Dutch. Ch. Roy Hill Thai Silk, NJK, WW'21, Holland Cup Winner'22 (Asia)

Dutch. Ch. Roy Hill Thai Silk, NJK, WW'21, Holland Cup Winner'22 (Asia)

  • ECVO Eyes, excellent, PRA clear
  • HD A/A
  • Dutch Champion
  • World winner'21
  • Holland Cup Winner'22
  • Dutch Junior Champion

Introducing my beautiful girl (Asia), the only daughter of Lily 

Asia attended her first show in the puppy class, where she was the best puppy in the breed; then, we had a long break due to COVID 19 rules. She attended her 2nd show after a 6-month break as a junior this time and won CAC, BOBJ & BOB. 2 weeks later. She added another 2 CAC & BOS wins to her name, completing her Dutch junior Champion title and being a Dutch Champion candidate; she needed to wait to be old enough at 27 months to complete the Dutch title wich she did with a BOB.Asia went on to become my 2nd generation World Winner just like her mom Lily. I'm so proud of my little prancing princes, the naughtiest and sweetest girl in the world she is always up to mischief with her brother Tai.

Asia is the only daughter from World Winner Lily and sired by the Legendary producing sire, MBIS/BISS Thai/Nor/Ch Lai Thai EUW'15.

For this special breeding, we traveled to Thailand

A special thank you to Sagulchai for his help in getting this exciting litter on the ground. The only Lai Thai (now sadly deceased) litter in Europe